You know how it is, you pass somewhere on a regular basis and think "oh that looks interesting, I must stop and take a look"
I had been passing this farm shop for several years when I noticed a sign on the grass verge outside saying "Furniture" then on another occasion "Antiques". Now that really caught my attention, but It wasn't 'till I had a yen to paint a piece of furniture and was looking for a stockist of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint that the lightbulb moment happened. That place I keep passing hidden behind the big hedge, that place with the furniture and antiques signs, yes, that place stocks the paint!
I got in my car and drove straight there.
As you can see the outside looked promising, but the inside!!
I'll leave the pictures to tell the story, but suffice it to say it is called Home Barn for a reason.......I want it to be my home!
For Home Barn address and opening hours go to
And yes I bought the paint.....more of that later.